Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Looking ahead...

The best part about this time of year (aside from finally escaping from a seemingly endless winter) is being able to look forward to the many great things that happen in the summer. It seems I always have a handful of events to look forward to and this summer is no exception. Here's my planned itinerary for the coming months:

  • June 4-7 - San Diego, CA for a development conference for work--will be attempting surfing for the first time!
  • June 9-12 - Portland, OR for Hooch's wedding (sometimes he also goes by Jimmy)
  • June 12-15 - Seattle/Tacoma, WA--Katie and I will drive from Oregon and visit with our dear friend, Erica, who traveled to Uganda/Rwanda with us in '07. It'll be my first time in the state of Washington. MAYBE we'll even drive up to Vancouver, BC...maybe.
  • July 9 - Hamilton, ON for my friend Jess' wedding
  • July 15-17 - Norwich, CT for another friend's wedding! This time it's for Eric and Beth. Katie and I will be staying with our friend Jillian in Nyack, NY!
  • July 19-22 - New York, NY with Upward Bound. This will be the 5th time I've done this trip with my good friend Eileen and a group of 11th graders-to-be. Should be great!
These are just the things that I know about now! This list is almost definitely for my own benefit, but it's fun to look ahead. Of course, I'll also be frequently in Buffalo and Toronto as per usual. Summer of 2011, I'm ready for you!

1 comment:

  1. This looks awesome! We are going to just miss each other when you are in CA!
